After a year's hiatus, it's good to be back on the reservation. A full year down on the graduate degree, and now with one year left, I'm going to try and do both full-time graduate school and the sports information director's job at McMurry. Ben Dobson did a lot to help pave the way for the transition into the digital age of communication for McMurry athletics.
With the time away, I learned even more about the job, about myself and what I think it takes to be affective in promoting the University's athletic department. With Ben's foundation, where he brought several games to you on the Internet with audio and video feeds, McMurry will take a big step into the webcasting this school year.
Beginning with subscription packages (more official information on this topic to be released later) to view audio and video at both home and road contests for select sports. Twitter is coming (well it's already going, but officially) Monday along with the official release of this blog.
This blog is intended to give a more insider's look at McMurry sports as well as allow some of the athletes themselves to voice their experiences. The athletics web site itself is reserved for official releases and game stories while this blog will be a little less formal.
Looking forward to a great year; the Sports Overtime Radio show will be back, and we have some exciting other opportunities to hear about McMurry sports through other avenues as well that we'll announce later.
Stay tuned ...
-Kyle Robarts